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Create Your Own Autumn Hanging

Welcome the changing of the seasons by creating an autumnal hanging for your home.

I absolutely adore the Autumn months, especially October, we still get some glorious sunny days, as well as cooler evenings, during which we can light candles, burn some logs on the fire, and wrap up warm to enjoy walks in the countryside, where we can admire the delightful transformation of colours in the trees.

Every year, I can’t help but collect some of my favourite leaves up, to take home and enjoy, as well as some dried seed heads and grasses. Which I am sure I am not alone in doing, so here is my step by step guide to create a beautiful autumnal hanging for your home, with some of these treasured findings.

What you need:

  • A stick (about 70cm long)

  • Floristry wire

  • Twine

  • A good pair of garden shears, you can use these to cut your wire too.

  • Scissors 

  • Lots of different types of autumn leaves and vines

  • Some dried seed heads, grasses, and ferns.

  • Ribbon or twine to finish and hang.

Here’s how:

1. Lay out all your items, with your stick at the top, and arrange things into groups of colour, size, and texture.

2. Put together three large bundles of dried ferns, leaves, and seed heads, using your larger items. Gather them together, and secure them at the stems by wrapping wire around them. 

3. Now put together two or three smaller bundles, using the same technique.

4. Using some of your vines, wrap them around the stick, and secure in place with a little twine. Then you can start to tie in your bundles that you have made, also using the twine to tie in place. Starting with the largest, at one end, and laying down the stick, as the bundles get smaller. You may need to turn the whole thing over and tie the twine from the back.

5. To Finish, trim off any straggling twine ends. Then tie on ribbon for a splash of colour, or use twine to keep it natural, and hang.

Another slightly simpler version

This is something that children can get involved in too. They always seem to come home from a walk in the woods, with a variety of leaves, and other items. And a nice way to display them, is simply to tie up the leaves with twine, and hang it from a nice stick. (They will also enjoy hunting for the perfect stick!)

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